Warm, sunny weather without the humidity. Grass, vibrantly green. The grouund, slightly soft from last night’s rain. A cooling breeze carrying pollen and triggering sneezes throughout the day…

That’s Spring to me summed up in a few sentences. At least that’s how it was, this time, two years ago, Spring 2019.
Hello the first of many *this happened before the pandemic, that’s why we’re not wearing masks* posts to come as I finally start catching up on my back log of photos and content.
Today, on Earth Day, we’re dealing with a coldfront in the DMV. Temps are in the 30’s, jumping back up to the 60’s tomorrow and then next week, 70-80’s.
But right now, I’m reminiscing on ‘warm enough to picnic outdoors’ weather… One of the few things we’ve been able to consistently do with family and friends throughout all seasons of this panorama. Charles and I just got our first covid vaccine shots this morning and will get our second shot in two weeks. About half of our family and friend circles have completed both vaccine shots sooooooo we’re all really, really looking forward to the outdoor hangs this summer.
With that said, one of our favorite places to picnic in DC is at the U.S. National Arboretum in the Northeast sector of the city. 446 acres of Congress federally protected land that is open everyday of the year (except for Christmas) from 8am-5pm with *drumroll* FREE admission and parking.
Home to one of my favorite plant museums, the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum, the spring, summer and fall seasons are my favorite times of the year to visit and spend the day outdoors. No matter how crowded, there’s enough acreage for everyone to feel like they have some space of their own to enjoy.
Postcards from the Arboretum below. Enjoy :)

What are some places you’re looking forward to picnic-ing at in your surrounding neighborhoods this spring and summer?
xo, Setarra