Sitting here… Organizing these photos, I’m getting a little emotional just thinking back on these moments in Paris so I hope you’ll excuse me if things get a bit sappy with a little profanity on the side for today’s post.
The Eiffel Tower, for me, was a defining moment on our trip.
Throughout our day, from the Louvre to the Notre Dame to our stroll along the Seine River, we had caught glimpses of The Eiffel Tower from afar but we didn’t make our way to see it up close and personal until the evening…
And as we sat on the lawn watching the sunset behind the Eiffel Tower, it started twinkling!
This was right around the time where everything hit me all at once.
You see, one of my biggest dreams in life has been to go to Paris and see the Eiffel Tower twinkle in person.
And there I was… In mother fucking Paris, sitting in front of the mother fucking Eiffel Tower and that shit was twinkling its mother fucking ass off!
On top of the fact that I was finally realizing a big dream of mine; being able to experience that moment with Charles, my now HUSBAND, on our honey-cation of all things…
Well that pushed me over the edge because I busted out crying, like the ugly kind of crying where you start hyperventilating with boogers all over.
Thank goodness Charles is used to me crying over the littlest things because he simply wrapped his arms around me providing the silent comfort that was needed.
I was just soooo, soooo happy and feeling sooo, sooo blessed to be alive and present in that moment; in the City of Love with the love of my life.
With that said, I think that sometimes…. Dreams do come true. And sometimes if you’re lucky, they come out so much better than how you could have ever imagined.
***I had originally written this post to go up for our anniversary last year but for various reasons, I didn’t. So here it is today. A look back on one of my fondest memories with the person I am most fond of :) #tbt
I love you Charles. Happy Anniversary Boo. <3
(linking up with wanderful wednesday)