Every year, sunflower fields bloom in July. And every year, Charles and I make our annual pilgrimage to see them in their natural habitat at plentiful fields of Mckee Beshers Wildlife Management Area in Poolesville, MD. Typically during golden hour before dusk.
But this year, we decided to get up at dawn (5:30am) to view the sunflowers as the sun rose to avoid the later rising crowds that tend to take over the footpaths… without facemasks.
That’s pretty much been our M.O. this year = if we’re going to go out anywhere outdoors, we’re up and out early so we can arrive at our destination right when it opens. The less people around, the more solitude. Which.. I think is the whole point for immersing oneself in nature anyways; fresh air and restorative solace. If the people outnumber the nature setting then I, personally, find it to not be as enjoyable and fulfilling an experience to go through. *Insert the quick u-turn Charles and I have no problem making if our destination seems too crowded upon arrival*

^^ Joining us on this day was our friend, Tarek.
I believe the official term going around is ‘pandemic pods‘, where people limit their exposure to others to a small group, network, pod or bubble during the pandemic in order to help limit the size and spread of the coronavirus, and Tarek’s one of the few friends in our pod. Since the weather warmed up in the spring, he and Charles have been playing tennis weekly and, on the weekends when available, we’re either nature hangin or working out together.
A few photos I took from our dawn and dewy sunflower-filled visit below.

^^ Charles rockin the signature ‘mask earring’ look of 2020.

And one last trio of photos to close out today’s post, courtesy of Tarek’s lens.

Living within a self-forced boundary of isolation this year has made me realize that, despite identifying as an introvert, fellowship is essential to my well-being. I’ve become hyperaware of the blessing that comes with not having to experience this year completely alone.
To have Charles as a loving, living mate during this time has presented many inevitable moments of us butting heads from time to time but I’ll take it over not having him with me.
To be able to see family, even if once in a blue moon and without our normal hug filled greetings… I’ll take that over nothing. Same goes for seeing my friends within the bounds of what we all feel comfortable doing during these pandemic times.
But I can’t lie. I’ve also had moments of guilt and concern… Fully aware that by seeing my pod of immediate family and friends may put us all at risk of getting sick, regardless of how diligent in hygiene and safety measures we attempt. Mind you, we’re not bar-hopping or eating at restaurants but we’re still gathering. But, having had pre-discussions, we all go into these outdoor convenings fully aware of the risk that we take on and resolute in the belief that the fellowship is worth it. Our mental well-being requires it.
With the weather getting colder and the gatherings shifting from outside to indoors/virtual, I anticipate the frequency of get togethers going way down, as they should.
But at least I’ll have these brief moments and memories of positive, love filled energy exchanged this summer to get me through.
xo, Setarra