As I was taking my usual walk back to Grand Central to catch the train back home, I decided to cross through Bryant Park instead of walking on the ouskirts of the park via sidewalk. While walking, I stopped to watch skaters glide around the ice skating rink in the middle of the park. And that’s when a man came over the PA and announced that there was a snow globe on the other side of the rink and that Citibank (the official sponsor for said skating rink) was offering a free video clip to the public if they wanted to go dance inside the snow globe. And of course the first thing I thought was, “OMG, I totally need to do this!”
For those who know me … In moments of doubt … My usual mantra is “Phuck It.” Because at the end of the day, I have nothing to lose except myself. And let me tell you … Trying to get rid of myself … Not the easiest thing to do. I don’t have the same issues with my shadow as Peter Pan does … My shadow loves me haha. It’s this exact mantra that gave me the balls to jump out a plane and also move up to New York 2 years ago 3 weeks after tearing my ACL.
So while everyone in line before me went inside that snow globe with their group of friends and did their thang together, I walked into that snow globe solo dolo with a side sprinkle of yolo. I had a moment of feeling embarrassed/ insecure because everyone outside was watching me but right before the snow globe operator said “Go!”, I mentally said “Phuck It” and just had fun with it. Ohhh how the big deals always seem so little afterwards … I’m super glad I did it because if not, I wouldn’t be able to share the clip with my family, who always want to know what I’m up to in the Big Apple and with friends like you :)
“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt
What do you tell yourself when trying new things to overcome initial fears or insecurities?
xo, Setarra
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