*** Officially 6 more posts to go until I’m done recapping our Euro-trip! Woot woot! Boom shaka laka! ***
Following our experience at the Heineken Brewery, Charles and I went to meet up with our friend, Ali. We had met Ali for the first time at Clem and Jason’s wedding in France. While mingling around during the wedding reception, we got to talking with Ali and learned that he lived in Amsterdam. And then when he learned that we were planning to travel to Amsterdam a couple days later, he offered to show us around if he was available. It was an offer to good to refuse.

After catching up over drinks, Ali took us across the way to grab dinner in the Red Light District at a resto-bar that had an awesome vintage interior and swank looking bar. Unfortunately, my photos for the rest of this post aren’t all as sharp as I would like because I was trying to snap quick pics so as to not take away from being present in the moment. But the truth is, I kind of like them a little blurry. Adds character, don’t you think? Anywho, back to our yummy dinner at Mara-Hari.

^^ Ali

As we found ourselves immersed in red light, Ali reminded me that taking photos of the ladies of the night was prohibited. I had no intention of violating this rule but I did want to take a photo with the red lights all aglow around me as a souvenir. So I gave Charles my camera and asked him to snap a pic of me walking down the alley, making sure the ladies weren’t seen which resulted in the photo below. He did a good job right?