Truth be told, I was feeling pretty "blah" as my birthday weekend approached last week. With so much going on in the world as result of Covid-19, it didn't feel right to go out of my way to celebrate myself... I was super good with not making a big deal about turning 33. The only plan I had for ...
On Protecting My Peace Of Mind
When 2020 (which I had affirmed would be "my year to thrive") hit us all with a strong plot twist called COVID-19, I found myself reverting back to my coping mechanism when overwhelmed = shutting down and hiding within myself. I'm a big picture thinker and sometimes the big picture can be ...
My Favorite Armpit
Here's to the predawn mornings, when I naturally wake before my alarm. No point in going back to sleep, surrounded by his snores and early bird charm. I could roll over and spoon or get up and start the day. The jingle I went to bed to, in my mind it starts to play. My Posse's on ...
Shenandoah Getaway With My Girls
Love (and Black History). That's what February is all about. At least, per general society's thematic calendar. And since I dare not stray away from theme... This month, I thought I'd share what "love" (in its many various forms) looks and/or feels like through my perspective. Starting with my ...
Tips For Taking Care Of A Human Plant
And by "human plant", I'm obviously talking about me, myself, and I... 100% self professed crazy plant lady. So let's break down the parallels of plant care and self care because I care and, perhaps, you care too. 1) PLANT CARE: Properly identify the plant. Without proper i.d., you risk ...
Returning From A Year Of Rest That Was 2019
Long story short... Since graduating from grad school three years ago, I've been a little lost when it came to what I wanted to purposely do with my life, both personally and career wise. My blessing can sometimes feel like a curse... I'm good at everything I set my mind to do. I'm a ...