I probably shouldn't be blogging right now but Hurricane Sandy can kiss my buttcheeks cuz I can't fall asleep ... The power was flickering on and off for the past 2 hours and finally it went out around 7:30pm... The wind is crazy up here living on the top floor (we can feel our complex ...
Hurricane Sandy Is On Her Way…
Sooooo I guess it's a good thing we got Halloween out of the way early ... Hosted a costume party with the roomies this past Friday and couldn't have planned it better with the timing of what the media is calling the the biggest hurricane to hit the east coast since 1935 or 1938 or 1997 or 2005 ...
Throwback Thursday | How He Hooked Me …
Nope. There's No Ring on My Finger. But ... I Am Rocking a SuperCool Bracelet :) On my wrist above is a Crucian or "J" Hook Bracelet. Before I traveled to St. John, USVI this past summer, I did a lot of research about the island and surrounding islands. I came across information about its ...
Some Dude’s Birthday ;)
This past weekend, I went down to VA to celebrate Charles's 26th birthday. The couple of weeks leading up to his birthday, Charles was pretty indecisive about what he wanted to do. Since I'm the planner in our duo, I volunteered to plan something and he said "OK" with a quickness. So I ...
Another Attempt :)
Ok so remember how the roomies and I had a wine party last month and pretty much no one showed up??? Well ... We're having another party this Friday ... A Halloween Costume Party!!! Yea ... We may come off as party animals. But it's more or less that we like to have house ...
Wedding #4: Part 2
After a quiet and intimate wedding at the chapel, Will & Crystal had a reception the next day to celebrate with family and friends. It was an awesome evening filled with love, reunions and simply.gettin.dowwwn. And just in case you missed it in a previous post, there's a ...