Blate (n.) a social appointment or engagement with bloggers. (not an official Webster's Dictionary term but I feel like the general blogworld would be in consensus with the definition above) Since I started blogging *counts years on fingers* EIGHT years ago (wow, time has flown), I’ve been ...
Portraits :: My Mommy Ma & Mom-In-Law
One thing I don't take for granted and am truly thankful for is the fact that my Mommy Ma (Tha, above right), and Mom-in -Law (Nellie, above left) get along. Every time I think of their friendship, it takes me back to that one time we flew Charles's Mom to Chicago 5 years ago to surprise my Mom ...
Bike Tour of Atlanta
Continuing where I left off with recapping our trip to Atlanta last year... Today, I'm recapping our second day exploring this city. Even though we were technically in the ATL to celebrate my birthday, I booked us a bike tour of Atlanta for Charles. Our Euro honeymoon circa 2014, where we ...
Little Happenings :: April
A monthly homage to the little happenings in life. This was April in photos and links. Hearted Phone Pics <3 ^^ Shadow Play... One blessing in disguise with working from home these past six weeks has been reclaiming my time with golden hour in our home. Typically between 6-7:30pm, I ...
Self Portrait Sunday :: Spa Day At Home
A few realizations made while executing our spa day at home and this self portrait session last weekend... 1) Natural sugar scrubs are nice. But, for the person who is scrubbing your naked body, make sure they're aware of your hand pressure preference. Too much pressure will make it feel ...
The Georgia Aquarium, Atlanta
Last year (2019), Charles and I went on a total of four trips and I didn't post anything about them. Liiiiike, nada. My motto for blogging and social media is "live first, post later" and so here I am... One whole year later. Publishing the first of many posts to come about our belated travels while ...