As I was taking my usual walk back to Grand Central to catch the train back home, I decided to cross through Bryant Park instead of walking on the ouskirts of the park via sidewalk. While walking, I stopped to watch skaters glide around the ice skating rink in the middle of the park. And that's ...
The Tombstones of Central Park
Yesterday was an overcast day with snippets of sunshine peaking through... In between getting breakfast at Alice's Tea Cup and waiting for the Frick Collection to open, I took a stroll through Central Park. It was during this walk that I came upon a roundabout with the US flag blowing in the wind as ...
Dear Harlem Shake …
Dear Harlem Shake: I am soooooo over you! Correction: I love the dance move ... As in the ORIGINAL harlem shake. But I strongly dislike all these viral youtube videos going around. It adds salt to a dance form that already doesn't receive enough credit and further degrades it's ...
Holetown Sugar Buttcheeks
It's been soooo cold in New York these past couple of weeks ... Major Ew. I think the weather here plays a part on why I'm procrastinating with finishing up the posts about my trip to Barbados because then ... The trip will really be over... No more posts ...
NYC Love on Top Of The Rock :)
Charles surprised me this past week/ weekend! I wasn't expecting to see him until Friday night but then he kinda showed up at my job on Thursday ... a.k.a. Valentine's Day. It was by far the grandest thing he's ever done for me in the name of love. Driving up from DC to New York on a ...
Wake Up & Smell The Snow-ses :)
Yesterday was about getting out of the apartment and making the most out of Nemo's snow show. It was about playing with my shadow ... And being a little naughty on the side ;) Yesterday was about walking past this house and imagining myself one day owning something like this... ...