Attention All: The Burghal Gurl has retired from the blogging business. Don't worry, she's lounging on the beach in front of an all-inclusive retirement resort in the Caribbean sippin on margaritas while enjoying the pleasure of having a shirtless 21 year old man massage her feet... She may ...
As We Stroll Along The Highline in NYC
I'm soooo soooooo happy I finally got around to checking out The High Line in Chelsea. This old railroad turned into elevated urban park is yet another symbol of what makes New York City cool enough to have it's name repeated twice. A little bit of old mixed with a little bit of new ...
Guess Who’s Bizzack!
Hey Everyone! Remember Me? It's been a super busy couple of weeks! The time was spent hanging out with friends, volunteering as event staff for a few dance galas, traveling to Virginia Beach for a wedding, crossing items off my summer list of things to do in NYC, working from 8am-6pm and simply ...
Happy Hour On The Hudson
It's so easy to get caught up in the "elitist mindset" of NYC ... As if NYC is the only place to be in order to have a good time and all the other surrounding cities and counties suck. But the truth is that this mindset is simply not true ... At least in my opinion. Take ...
Welcome Home | The Bedroom
As they say on MTV Cribs... This is where all the action happens. Or not... Being in a long distance relationship, my teddy bear gets more action haha. I cleaned my room this past weekend and felt like it was decent enough to snap some pics to share on the blog. It's simple with a ...
She’s My Lady, My Mommy Ma :)
My mom sent me these photos when she went to Miami to celebrate her birthday last summer... This weekend won't be that much different. As you are reading this post, my mom will be in Las Vegas doing what she does best... Having a great time snapping pictures of EVERYTHING! I can only imagine all the ...