If one was to ever ask me what park is my favorite in NYC, I would hands down say "Bryant Park." It's small in comparison to Central Park but in this case, size does not matter ;) During the summer... You can find herds of people doing yoga in the lawn, playing ping-pong, concentrating ...
So Long, Farewell To You NYC
Moments From This Past Weekend... The truck is packed. My keys have been turned in... As you're reading this post, Charles and I are more than likely on our way down to Virginia. So Long NYC... Thank you for your lessons. And before I go back to sharing pre-written ...
What Inspires My Blogposts
Linking Up With Helene and Sarah to talk about something I've never really thought about until now... What inspires my blogposts? I could say people, places, food and dance because that's generally what I blog about ... But if I really broke it down and looked into ...
Life Lately | NYC Closing Moments :)
I thought I'd take a break from sharing posts of things I've done these past couple of weeks and give you an update on what has been going on in real time because this week marks my last full week as a New York resident!!! Time has flown by soooo fast this past month ... I didn't ...
8th Annual Jazz Age Lawn Party Recap
Remember that one time alcohol was illegal? Yea, neither can I. But a couple weekends ago, the girls and I went back in time to the 1920's to experience what life would've been like during the Prohibition ... Correction: What the party scene would've been like if we had been born in that era. ...
Hookah Night
I don't know about you but smoking hookah always makes me feel like a badass... A badass engaging in legal activity. I'm proud to say that I have never smoked a cigarette ever in my life ... But hookah? I'll do hookah. You may recognize the Cloister Cafe from a previous post I wrote so it may seem ...