I'm sitting here eating a makeshift strawberry parfait that Charles just whipped together. It's a mixture of granola, strawberries, cool whip, greek yogurt, craizens and a raspberry chocolate bar... See even our chocolate has fruit in it. This is how far we've gone to be healthy this past ...
In Case You Were Wondering…
1. I Woke Up Like Dis... In honor of Beyonce's "Flawless" and the general movement to embrace natural beauty, here are a few selfies of what I look like post-snooze-ville. And when I think about it, it's been a long while since I've worn makeup.. #nofilter 2. I usually blog ...
From Long Distance To Living Together | Lessons Learned (So Far)
Some of you may or may not know this but Charles and I were in a long distance relationship for the past 4 out 6 years that we've been together. Since moving in together this past August, I can definitely say that life has been anything but boring. Whoever said "you don't really know someone until ...
Icy, Snowy NOVA
In recent news, the DMV area was hit with ice and snow over these past couple of days, resulting in Charles and I having a Snow Day from work yesterday. So our Tuesday looked alot like this past Sunday's Bum Day except we didn't go outside at all. We were in our pajamas all day and it felt ...
Sunday By The Hour…
^^10:00am: Woke up to snow!! ^^11:00am: Grocery shopping before the snow got heavy. Trust me: You don't want to see what my morning face looked like. ^^12:00pm: Honey Nut Cheerios for lunch... Duh. ^^1:00pm: The apartment lobby at our friend's ...
CapturedGrams 11.13
The first day of November never looked so pretty | Making Charles pose like a model for me "just this once". A super yummy salmon salad from Ruby Tuesdays | What grows up, must fall down.. Capturing the last of fall colors before the cold front came in | Sharing another black plate special ...