^^^"From The Crack You Can Tell, It's The Liberty Bell" said a little girl standing beside me as I snapped this pic. ^^^ The View From Our Hotel Room At The Holiday Inn. <-- I dare you to click that link haha ^^^ Right before I bust my face... ...
A Sunset For Me and You…
I don't know about you but I was so, so happy to have the clock move forward an hour this past weekend. You may or may not know this but I LOVE sunsets... As such, this past winter was such a bummer because it was always dark outside by the time I left work each day. But now? Well now, the sun ...
A Black & Yellow Photo Session
Relax. Smile. Imagine the camera is not there. Now give her a kiss... These were a few directional cues we received from our photographer, Danielle, as her camera melodiously clicked in anticipation of the subtle adjustments Charles and I made... The day was absolute ...
SaturDance | Snap Into It
Straying away from the typical dance videos I usually share that involve just music and movement... This video is what I would define as more aligned with performance art... Some might say that this video is the perfect example of poetry and art in motion. Jillian Meyers has been one of ...
Pat’s vs. Geno’s | The Cheesesteak Debate
The story behind Pat's and Geno's cheesesteak rivalry goes a little something like this: Pat's King of Steaks was founded in 1933 by the Olivieri Brothers, the creators of the Philly cheesesteak. What started out as a corner stand eventually turned into a 24 hour cheesesteak restaurant in ...
A List For As Of Lately…
{Sneakers - Nike} {Sweater - Similar} {Pants - Old Navy} { Scarf - It's a Fake Burburry lol - Similar} 1. I've been reading alot of fashion blogs lately... So much inspiration, so many cute outfits. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get away from my usual baggy uniform a.k.a. sweaters, stretchy ...