1) While at the grocery store this past weekend, I spotted the Washingtonian's "Foodie" edition on the stands and promptly added it to my basket. When I got home, I mentally ate my way through each page while making note of different places in the DMV that I want to check out in the ...
Outfitted For World Autism Awareness Day
^^^ How I Styled My Sevenly + Autism Speaks 'Light It Up Blue' Shirt: Found Here Hi Guys! Just as I shared with you a cause that was near and dear to my heart last week, I wanted to highlight a cause this week that is near and dear to one of my IRL (in real life) friend's heart. Today ...
Snowy Sunday At The Diner :)
^^^ Should've put some lip balm on.. #crustylip #iwokeuplikedis The weather around these parts has been majorly schizophrenic. Yesterday was a wonderful day composed of 65 degree weather. Today... 35 degrees and full of frozen rain and snow throughout the day. FML. A group of our friends had ...
#ResidentTourist Link Up | Out & About D.C.
If you asked me about where I'm from, I'd tell you right away that D.C. is my hometown. I grew up in Columbia Heights and went to Murch, Deal and Ellington for school before moving away for college. I am a product of one of the worst public school systems in America and I'm damn proud of it haha. ...
Sevenly | Giving Back To A Cause Near And Dear To My Heart
A couple weeks ago, I posted about my volunteer experience at the Capital Area Food Bank in D.C. and of how I wanted to find more ways to use my blog as a platform to give back. Well what do you know, right around the same time I was contacted by Sevenly.org with an opportunity to help give back to ...
Life Lately According To The Gram :)
^^^ Clem made a bomb ass berry crumble a couple weeks ago. Nom Nom Nom! ^^^ Stormy Sun Settings.. ^^^ Motivational words while at my gym... Sort of lol. ^^^ I don't know about you but no one EVER spells my name right at Starbucks. Never. Ever. ...