^^ Sister Selfie :) ^^ On our way to the Viva Vienna Festival... More pics to come on Friday! ^^ Hanging out on our cousin's deck ^^ Cheeeese ^^ Ferris Wheel Love ^^ Proud Little Fisher.. She caught 2 sharks on one line! ^^ Taking a moment to remember what this holiday ...
So Ready For The Weekend :)
Sharing a few iPhone pics of our walk through the Georgetown area of D.C. and across the Key Bridge a couple weekends ago. One of our friends was visiting from out of town so we went out for brunch at El Centro to catch up. And get this... I didn't take any pictures of the food we ate! The ...
From Long Distance To Living Together | Quality Alone Time
A couple weeks ago, Charles traveled down to Nashville for a work trip and I promise you I love that man with all my heart but the truth is.. It was soooooo nice to have the place to myself for a week. As some of you may know, Charles and I have been together for about 7 years and out of that, we ...
Girl Behind The Blog :: I AM (not) My Hair…
Hair... Beautiful, pretty-ful hair. I had such a love-hate relationship with my hair growing up. I use to wish I had straight hair so I could fit in with my straight haired cousins and would take a flat iron to it whenever I could... Then, when I finally embraced my curls in college, I resented the ...
I Can B’More | The Urban Dance Concert
Once upon a time, my close friend, Cynthia, and her friend, Brian, met through Teach For America. Bonding over their common experiences with dance and wanting to share their love for dance with their students, they went on to found The Baltimore Dance Crews Project (BDCP) as a way to provide ...
Life Lately :)
^^^ Grainy, Sweaty Selfie! I've Been On A Workout Roll Lately ^^^ ^^^ Flowers, Flowers Everywhere. Spring Is Too Pretty Not To Go Flower Crazy. ^^^ ^^^ Flower Skies & Wishing My Girl, Anna, A Happy Birthday. She's Currently In Guam! So Jealous ^^^ ^^^ Korean BBQ Girl Time w/ Clem & ...