Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our blog lives... Sharing a few (a.k.a. alot) of my favorite photos from this past blog year ...
Nothing But Love :)
^^ Fam Bam Outtake ^^ A GIF for Friday... Just like I said I would lol. Yesterday was Molly's birthday and all the cousins from my Cambodian side of the family got together for dinner to celebrate her special day last night! This was my first time seeing everyone together in one setting since ...
Firepit Musings
^^ Chillax-ing by our friend's wonderful firepit... Invite us over more Thomas... #prettyplease This past weekend was so damn enlightening... Saturday, I had a breakthrough on some issues I've been working on and as a result of said breakthrough, got myself up early on Sunday for a 9:00am hot ...
Weekending Around Old Town VA
Sharing a few moments of our time around Old Town Alexandria while walking running errands yesterday... Charles and I have been keeping a low profile as we prep for our trip to Europe in July. Can you believe that it's a little over a month away!?!?! ...
Richmond Nights
Summer always seems to mark the re-awakening of my social life after being a homebody during the winter and spring seasons... My "weekend calendar" for June, July and August are already jam-packed with plans (both work and leisure) and I couldn't be more excited! This past weekend, my girl, Peach, ...
#ResidentTourist Link Up | Viva! Vienna!
Tis the season for summer festivals and our town brought in the beginning of summer with its very own. Last weekend, Charles, my little sister, Gigi, and I went to check out Viva! Vienna! (in Northern Virginia, not Austria) as part of our Memorial Day weekend celebrations. Our Goal: To make ...