The music was blasting, the bass was pulsing... And you... You slid behind as we began to sway and rock to the beat. The magic of liquor running through our veins... A hybrid of exceptions to the rule manifesting into something harmonious. We weren't supposed to happen but we did and I blame it ...
Dinner & Jazz @ The Hamilton D.C.
When a friend of ours got tickets to a live concert presented by the D.C. Jazz Festival and then was unable to attend at the last minute, Charles and I smoothly inserted ourselves to save the day by offering to go see the show 'on their behalf' this past weekend... And what followed this past ...
#ResidentTourist Link Up | In Search Of The Oreo Like Dat-O :)
^^ resident tourist ottd :) Remember that one time I posted about the Washingtonian Magazine's Foodie Edition? And remember when I said I was determined to try out the Oreo Like Dat-O from the Bayou Bakery in Arlington, VA after reading their feature in the mag? Well it happened! Charles and I ...
Go ‘Merica!!!
This past Sunday, we got up early to catch a matinee screening of Think Like A Man Too (so damn funny! Michael Ealy's face = swooooon!) followed by brunch at the Bayou Bakery in Arlington (more on that on Friday). On any other day like this, we would've normally followed up brunch in search of a bar ...
Pose For The Camera Now… Click! Click!
This past Saturday, I had breakfast with my IRL (in real life) friend, Tasha, who happens to be a blogger as well! Tasha is an ah-mazing DIY seamstress who makes her own clothes and when she asked if I could snap a few photos of her handmade outfit during our outing, I was all for it! The photos ...
My Neck Was Hot So I Chopped My Hair Off
The last time I had my hair this short was during my sophomore year in college. Over the years, I've been on a mission to grow it out and have "titty hair" (hair that's long enough to cover your tatas in case one wanted to be a mermaid for Halloween). But then one day (a couple weeks ago), I ...