December... Can you imagine a December without a Christmas, Hanukah, or a Kwanza? What do you think December would look like without all of its holiday cheer? I have no idea and have no interest in trying to find out because I like December just the way it is. With that said, allow me to transport ...
CapturedGrams 12.14 – Happy New Year!!!
Oh Hey There! Remember me? That blogger chick who decided to take a month long break from blogging? Well she's back and ready to dive back into the blog world with a refreshed perspective on it all. These past 31 days were just what I needed to re-energize for the new year... Warning: Today's post ...
Giving Thanks With One Month Off From Blogging :)
Friends, Family & Food. Doesn't get much better than that. This past Thanksgiving, Charles and I split our time between hanging with his family during the day and my family in the evening. Needless to say, my belly was verrrrrrrrrrry happy. ^^ The whole gang :) ^^ The set up @ Kellye's ...
Inside The Dance Studio :)
For the past 2 1/2 months, I've spent my Tuesday and Thursday evenings in a dance studio, re-staging a piece I choreographed 5 years ago on the students in the School of Dance at George Mason University and I'm realizing that I've been a bit closed off about my dance rehearsal process here ...
CapturedGrams 10.14
^^ What If We Could Dive Into The Sky?? Where My Thoughts Go When I'm Dreaming... ^^ Thai Date Night w/ Durell & Celebrating My Niece's 1st Birthday - She Was Not Impressed haha ^^ Reflections Off Corporate Building Sides & Nom Nom Nom Pho ^^ A Distinctive Portrait That ...
Girl Behind The Blog | 7 Things
1) *takes a deep breath* This is what I look like with no makeup and no filter... Charles recently posted this photo on his Instagram account for his #wcw (woman crush wednesday) and at first, I was embarrassed that he posted a pic of my face barenaked online. But then I realized, "wtf? ...