Today my blog turns 3 and looking through these photos from the past year only goes to show how much has changed over the last 365 days... The biggest change to note is that on this day last year, Charles and I were engaged. Today, we are married. (happy tear) So here's a look at some of my favorite ...
Duccini’s // The Best Jumbo Slice Pizza In D.C.
The road to my heart begins with food, of which you can never go wrong when inviting me out for pizza... Jumbo slice pizza from Duccini's in the Adams Morgan area of D.C. to be exact. My ratchet twin, Kim, was back in town for the weekend by way of San Francisco and invited me out for a quick ...
I Don’t Know About You… But I’m Feeling 28
The celebration of my 28th birthday took place in 3 parts, akin to that of a three layer cake... The first layer of my "birthday cake" was spent partying at the Drink The District "Cherry Blossom Festival" down at the The Yards in D.C. with friends from 1:30pm to 4:30pm on a beautiful ...
A List For Life As Of Lately
Whoooo! It's been a lonnnnnnng minute since I've done a life lately post... Like since this past February! So much has happened and there's no way I can recap it all in one post so I'll try to hit the main events that have taken place so far. ^^ Indoor Color ^^ Outdoor ...
Weekending | Barbecues & Besties
Left my SLR camera at home this past weekend... I tend to do that when I'm hanging out with my friends. It's alot more lowkey and keeps the vibes informal which is how I like it. My photos might not be as crispy but it's all good. A little blur never hurt nobody. But anyways, today's post is all ...
Last Dinner In Europe
Twas the last evening of our honeycation (honeymoon + vacation)... Such a bittersweet night filled with an overwhelming amount of happy emotions. After the Montjuic e-bike tour, we came back to our Airbnb, showered and then went in search of food and beer to celebrate our time in Barcelona. It ...