For those of you who follow me on Instagram, you may have noticed that Charles and I (along with my brother, Gabe) are currently in Vacationland a.k.a. Maine. It's been 3 years since I've visited this wonderful state where I spent my summers as a child and I couldn't be more excited to be back ...
One Year Anniversary By The Hour
When we announced our nuptials, Charles and I had a few people ask us why we eloped. There were a couple different reasons that influenced this decision but our main reason for eloping goes a little something like this: With regards to marriage, we wanted to place more of an emphasis on celebrating ...
Jay Z & Beyonce Performed At Our Wedding Reception… Kind Of.
Following our wedding ceremony at the D.C. Courthouse: Charles and I came home, changed out of our fancy gear into something more comfortable and jumped back into our truck. Destination = Baltimore. Purpose? To attend our "wedding reception" or at least, that was what we were calling it haha. A ...
That One Time We Eloped At The D.C. Courthouse
July 7th, 2014 started off like any other Tuesday morning. Charles and I woke up around 6am and headed down to our apartment's gym. We worked out then came back to shower and get ready. Except for on this day, we weren't getting ready for work... Oh no, on this day we were getting married (errrrr ...
Hello there! Guess who's back with a whole new blog name?!?! Just like her predecessor, "Quaintrelle" has gone to spend the rest of her years at an all-inclusive beach side retirement resort. What's left of the blog is simply me, myself and I - no fancy name to hide behind, just me. Setarra. Hence ...
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