After four weeks of steady growth and progress, Beau was finally ready to graduate from the NICU on September 22. But before that could happen, a final round tests/ultrasounds, CPR training and bunch of paperwork needed to completed and processed... It was a long, emotional day. In the midst of ...
Hello Baby Beau: Our Birth Story
Despite the surrounding circumstances leading up to my water breaking early at 32 weeks, being put on hospital bedrest for 2 weeks and then being induced at 34 weeks, I want to preface *our* birth story (me, Charles and BB) by saying it was indeed a positive one. Reflecting back on this day, I ...
An Unexpected Fast Forward
Blogging live from the hospital.... I've set the timer to 15 minutes to quickly dump my mind on recent events because these past couple of weeks have been a blur and I don't want to forget one detail. It's a plot twist that began with my water breaking on a Wednesday morning at 32 weeks around ...
Day Trip to Acadia National Park, Maine
Our first legit trip (and my first travel post!) in almost two years... Taking place this past July, I couldn't have been more excited for our babymoon in Maine. A 10 hour roadtrip best driven at night - Charles and I napped throughout the day before departure, cleaned our home, packed the car ...
Dining Room Makeover :: Before & After
The minute we found out BB's due date, Charles and I knew we had to complete our lingering two home projects before BB's arrival = dining room makeover and DIY kitchen renovation. If these projects weren't done before BB popped out, we probably wouldn't have time to work on these spaces for another ...
Little Happenings :: July
A few of my favoriteĀ little happenings from July via my phone's photo album. ^^^ Making progress on our DIY kitchen reno! What we thought would take 3 weeks, has taken over a month to complete. And when I say 'we', I mean Charles. Since I'm prego, he's been doing most of the sanding, ...