One 8-12 page paper and 20 minute presentation are what stand between me and the end of this Fall semester. Did I mention both are due the week after we come back from Mexico? As a result, I've been spending my Saturday and Sunday mornings at our local cafe and/or nearby libraries, working on my ...
Rocking My Jamberry Nails and You Can Too! {Giveaway}
^^ Would you believe me if I said that I did my nails by myself? Because I did... Courtesy of the super easy to apply nail wraps and TruShine gel nail system by Jamberry. My girl, Leslie, (who you may have seen in my last post about our yummy dining experience at Sisters Thai) just so happens to be ...
Self Portrait Sunday :: Happy Curls
Year after year, I attempt to grow my hair out with the hope that I will have the patience to deal with it when it finally gets to the middle of my back.. And year after year, I end up getting it chopped off because said patience doesn't actually exist haha. After experimenting around with ...
Lunching at Sisters Thai – The Living Room Cafe
I feel like it's been forever since I've done a legit food post. Charles and I have been really focused on not eating out to save money, choosing to instead cook our breakfast and dinners at home with enough leftovers to eat for lunch the next day. But every once in a blue moon, we give ourselves ...
Self Portrait Sunday :: We Woke Up Like This
There's something that slowly begins to happen when you cross over the 25 year old hump. ...
7 Ideas For Hosting A Bachelorette Party – Cabin In The Woods Style
^^ Unless you're friends with a blogger haha ;) --- So you want to host a bachelorette party, have no interest in going the typical boozefest/Vegas route but don't know what to do instead? Wellll, I have a suggestion... How about hosting a bachelorette party - cabin in the woods (glamping) style? ...