Today I am officially 29 years old. I could reflect deeply about this turning of age but all I really feel the need to say right now is that "I'm 29 and feeling fine". With that said, I thought I'd share 29 things about the girl behind the blog in honor of my 29th birthday. An honest list of ...
First Burger In Columbia, South Carolina
If you follow me on Instagram, you may have noticed that I hopped on a plane to Columbia, South Carolina yesterday. I'm hanging with my girl, Anna, for the weekend to pre-celebrate my bday which takes place on Monday. This is my first time ever traveling to South Carolina and Anna's got a ...
Maine – Let’s End At The Beginning :)
Here we go! My final post about our trip to Maine last summer and it's a short but sweet one. Today, I'm ending this series at the very beginning. Our first evening in the Pine Tree State... We had just arrived at camp and were unloading the car when I noticed the sky was changing into these ...
March Happening ’16
This post is for all you late night blog readers since I'm a little behind on getting this post up today. Better late than never, right? In my defense, the first couple of days in April have been crazy busy. With that said let's get to recapping March's life happenings. In March... ^^ Charles ...
Lobster Maine-ia At The Maine Lobster Festival
In the world of shellfish, I most definitely prefer lobster over crab. The reasoning is simple... Less work for more meat. With that said, it shouldn't come as a surprise that during our time in Vacationland, I found it necessary to visit the annual Maine Lobster Festival in Rockland, Maine and see ...
5 Things To Do While Camping In A Cabin With No T.V., Cell Phone Reception or Internet
I think it's safe to say that the whole purpose for going camping is to unwind, unplug and "become one with nature." As such, it always makes me cringe whenever I see listings for cabins or campgrounds that state they have "wi-fi access." (O_O) Just no. Noooooo! It totally beats the ...