Happy, Happy New Year! I hope you don't mind my getting right to it and stating that I, Setarra Kennedy, wholeheartedly believe that 2017 is going to my/our year. I'm saying it now, saying it out loud and owning it. This year, I will turn 30. This year, I will finally be done with grad ...
Santa Claus, His Santa Helper & The Santa Helper’s Husband
Ya'll... After 4 weeks of working as a Santa Helper at my local mall, I finally managed to wear Charles down and get him to take pics with me and Santa Claus. :) Today's post is a short but sweet one... Just dropping in to say "Haaaaay!" and "Happy Holidays!" My last day of 9-5 work was ...
My First Dance Performance At ECDC in 5 Years
Now that I'm officially done recapping our trip to Seattle, I hope you don't mind if I get a little personal today. Personal as in dance personal. If you've been following this blog since day 1, you may already know my dance story. But in case you don't, below is a quick synopsis. When ...
4 Days In Seattle // What To Eat, See, Do + A Breakdown On Our Trip Expenses
Planning a trip to Seattle and not sure where to begin with your travel planning? Allow me to share with you the full itinerary of what Charles and I ate, saw and did during our 4 day trip to Seattle this past October as a starting point in your travel planning. Emphasis on starting point ...
The Perfect Christmas Tree For Our #BlackAndYellowHome
I wish I could give an update on an apartment design project but with the holidays upon us, our "home decor" budget has been temporarily allocated to the "Christmas gift" budget. As a result, we haven't done much around our black and yellow home. Don't worry tho. Things will definitely ...
Last Day In Seattle – Charles Style
When it comes to travel, I'm the "planner" and Charles is the "go with the flow-er" in our relationship... If it were up to the hubby, we would get lost and wander aimlessly taking in the sights as they come for every trip. Me? I figure if we're spending all this money to travel, we better see as ...