Last weekend, I finally found the courage to cut my hair in a style that I've been wanting to try out for the longest time = the "curly pixie". And I couldn't think of a better way to help officially introduce the new 'do to the blog than with a self-portrait sunday post. :) ^^ How I felt on ...
Little Happenings w. 14
My week of little happenings in photos. :) [pipdig_left][/pipdig_left] [pipdig_right] [/pipdig_right] ^^ Let's start with the biggest to-do which is that I cut a whole bunch of my hair off last weekend. I'm still getting used to it as I've never had my hair this short before but, overall, I ...
24 Hours At The MGM National Harbor // What To Eat, See & Do
Let's pick up where I left off before I took my lil blog break a.k.a. take it back to my 30th birthday. A day Charles told me to take the day off from work for because he had a surprise planned... And you wanna know what he surprised me with??? A staycation = 24 hours at the MGM National ...
Little Happenings w. 13
Post grad life? Here's a recap of my favorite little happenings that have taken place since the grand event. ^^ This yummy Vietnamese spread for dinner at the Eden Center in Northern VA. ^^ Hanging out with my mom & bro in D.C. before they flew back to Chicago. We took the metro ...
Postcards From Graduation Day :)
This past Friday was a 2 for 1 kind of graduation day... Starting with Charles's graduation ceremony in the morning. ^^ Charles and his parents, Nellie & William [pipdig_left]^^ My bro, Kris, and Mommy Ma [/pipdig_left] [pipdig_right]^^ Me and My Handsome Man [/pipdig_right] ^^ Charles ...
Little Happenings w. 9 (10, 11 & 12)
3 1/2 years of going to grad school part-time are finally coming to an end ya'll! Today, I graduate with my Master's in Arts Management and I couldn't be more relieved/excited to be DONE. It's been 4 weeks since my last post and in that time, life has been happening in a positive trajectory ...