Remember how I mentioned that every time I think I'm done with dance, the universe throws it back in my lap as if to say "No, you're not." Well this year, I'm gonna do myself a favor and start actually listening to the universe. As part of my year of SELF and intention to do more of what ...
My Word For 2018
Happy New Year! Last week, I shared a post recapping how I did in 2017 with manifesting my goals. Annnd today, I wanted to share that, in midst of manifesting, I also had a little breakdown last summer right after graduation that resulted in me sitting on Charles's lap, ugly crying, ...
Let’s Review My 2017 Goals and See How I Did
At the beginning of 2017, I shared with you 7 goals I wanted to manifest. And as the year comes to a close, I thought it might be fun to review my 2017 goals with you and see how I actually did. So without further ado, let's get to it! 1) Complete my internship requirement, present my capstone ...
Holiday Postcards from Washington, D.C. + A Playlist From Charles :)
It's gonna be a great holiday season. I can feel it and my instincts have yet to fail me. A few things I'm looking forward to: 1) My last day of work is tomorrow and our offices will be closed till January 5th for winter break. 2) My brother proposed to his girlfriend last weekend and, in a ...
Roosevelt Island with my Anna Banana
I hope you don't mind if I take a lil break from recapping my international travels to share some local love. These past few weeks have been filled with many happenings that I'd like to share on the blog before this year comes to a close. If you've been following this space for a while, you may ...
Little Happenings
These past two weeks of little happenings in photos. :) ^^ This colorful wall spotted while Charles and I were out for breakfast. I legit made him make a u-turn so I could take a pic in front of the wall because this was my first time seeing a butterfly theme mural and I LOVE butterflies. ...