It's a new year, a new dawn aaaaaaaand same Setarra. Just a little more settled into myself with a stronger sense of identity, confidence and audacity. Every year, I choose a word to set the tone for the next 365 days. 2018 was a year of "SELF" where I focused on being more aware of what made me ...
Art Date at Glenstone Museum
In the midst of many life changes this past summer (I got a new job, we bought a home), Charles and I somehow managed to keep up with our monthly dates... For the most part. June and July - we went on official dates. August - we went and saw Crazy Rich Asians which was soooooo good! September - ...
Before The Renovation Photos
Our new home is a fixer-upper but, despite its dated design, we could tell it was well taken care of by its previous owner and something about that resonated with us. This spot was the 5th one we had seen in our home search and by this time, Charles and I had our routine down. (Insert harp music ...
Black & Yellow Homeowners :)
First things first... I am NOT pregnant. Sorry to disappoint any of you who were hoping for a black and yellow baby. ;) The grand reveal is, this past summer, Charles and I became HOMEOWNERS. Homeowners of a 2 bedroom/ 2 bath condo in a Northern Virginia community that dates back to the ...
Plug It In, Plug It In
Because your girl has been unplugged for the second half of summer and an update feels overdue. I've come to the realization that whenever I say I'm going to start blogging consistently, I jinx myself and end up not blogging at all.... Sooooo yea. I'm done with that approach and will just blog ...
A Rare Case In Which Last Place Was Still A Win
^^ Denver B-Day Crew There's something to be said about coming in last place and being able to rejoice about said "accomplishment" afterward. Such was the case for my girl, Anna's 30th birthday trip this past April. A weekend celebration in Denver, Colorado that I immediately booked my flight ...