I know myself.
As such, I knew there was no point in trying to stay up until midnight to ring in the New Year. Your girl is a granny and Charles was in complete agreement sooooo, last night, we were in bed by 8:30pm and rang in 2021 with a cacophony of snores.
Happy New Year.

If I had to try and sum up 2020 in one sentence it would go a little something like:
A year in which all my trips were cancelled and I was forced to be still and travel within.
A 12 month rollercoaster ride of experiences that yanked me all over.. And, as a backhanded result, the optimist in me will concede that I am feeling better prepared and mentally fortified to withstand whatever, come what may this new year.

As for 2021… So far, it doesn’t feel that much different than 2020. Obviously, way too early to make snap judgements but we’re a little jaded ’round this cozy corner of the internet.
Anywho, back to present.
This morning, Charles and I woke up around 5:30am, showered, bundled for the outdoors and then hit the road. 40 minutes later, we arrived right on time to watch the new year sunrise from the fishing pier overlooking the Potomac River at Leesylvania State Park in Woodbridge, VA.
It ended up raining a bit while we were out there with heavy cloud coverage so I wasn’t sure if the sun would have its shine but, last minute, this magenta pop of color peaked through and it was a viiiiibe.

It’s funny because if you would’ve asked me five years ago which I preferred, I would’ve told you “sunsets > sunrises” all day, everyday.
But as I’ve transitioned from night owl to early bird and really settled into my morning routine, watching the sunrise has inched ahead as the current winner of this great debate.
Despite the cold weather, it was worth getting up and out to witness the world wake up to its first rays of light. A quiet, calming experience that serves as a reminder and affirmation from nature that no matter how hard the times, the sun will rise another day.
And, with each rising, another chance to begin again. Another chance to follow up and follow through. Another chance to finish. And, now as I think about it, what a blessing it is to simply have another chance.

That said, I don’t have any new goals for 2021.
Instead, I’m going to focus on executing a couple old goals that I never checked off my list of aspirations; and will also continue tending the seeds of self-awareness, development and care that were planted last year.
Gotta keep watering. Keep pruning. Keep letting the light in. Keep growing in the ‘self’ department..

I’ve been seeing alot of memes going around saying “2021 is going to be MY YEAR.” But like, what does that even mean? ‘My year’?
I feel like every year of my life has been and will be ‘my year’.
If I live it, it’s mine. No give backs on the years that are hard. Those years are ‘my years’ too and, in hindsight, they always end up being my most defining ones. 2020 was no different and I anticipate that 2021 will provide its own defining moments as well.

On this first day of January, I am not the same woman I was a year ago and, overall, I can confidently say it’s for the better.
Alot of crazy ish went down and somehow, someway I made it through the past year in one piece; in a stronger mental headspace than before = a ‘win’ that I wasn’t expecting to achieve and am most proud of. That’s my story and I’m sticking with it. No detailed recap of 2020 necessary (I actually did try to draft up a post but started feeling a little triggered in the process sooo yea, no go) and no regrets moving forward into 2021.
And so concludes my random purge of thoughts for today… It took a while to get my fingers moving on the keyboard but we made it to the end of the post and I’m feeling a-okay with how everything turned out. First post of the year in the clear! *air five*
Wishing you, me, we, us a happy new year filled with many opportunities of chance and choice to follow up and follow through on leaning in and embracing our most authentic and empowered selves over the next 365 days.
xo, Setarra