1) Charles and I officially put in our 2 months notice to our landlord. He responded by saying, “Ok. I’m going to put your apartment on the market this week then.” It’s kind of weird getting back into the apartment hunting zone after living in one place for 3 years but time is of the essence. Yesterday, we went to visit a few apartments and it was rough. We’re paying $1500 for our current one bedroom apartment but are looking for places within the $1100-1200 range so we can start saving for a down payment. The apartments we saw are making us realize we’re going to have to sacrifice the conveniences we’re used to, like having a washer and dryer in the unit (I strongly dislike basement laundry rooms). Buttttttt sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
^^ Excuse the crazy hair and overall appearance. I don’t know how people work out and still look flawless afterward because my face always gets red and I sweat like a man lol.
2) Remember (at the beginning of this year) how Charles and I made a bet that if I lost 15lbs by my birthday, he would take me on a shopping spree? Welllll I never updated you guys about it because I felt embarrassed about the fact that I didn’t lose the weight. If anything, I gained an additional 10lbs from January to May for various reasons. (O_O) As a result, May was a rough month for me both emotionally and physically as it pertained to my body confidence. But after moping around in self-pity and frustration, I’m finally back on my fitness game. Operation “Sweat It Out” has officially commenced for the summer season… A more in-depth post on this topic coming your way next Sunday.
3) I ordered an herbal growing kit from one of my favorite online stores, Uncommon Goods. With this order, I’m trying my hand at growing Cilantro and Basil for fresh usage when cooking. The packaging for my kit seems simple enough. Open the top, water the can and sit it in the sun. I can’t possibly mess this up, right?
4) National Wine Day? Hell yea, I celebrated. It is always wine o’clock somewhere.
A photo posted by Setarra (Se-tar-ra) ✌🏽️✨ (@setarrra) on
5) Memorial Day 3-Day Weekend was spent with family and friends annnnnd lots of food. There was a barbecue at my cousin’s home on Saturday. We drove up to Philly on Sunday morning to hang with my girl, Kiara, and her boyfriend, Samir, who also grilled out. And on Sunday, we drove back home to Northern Virginia where we met up with some more fam at the Cheesecake Factory – the mecca for ridiculously large food portions. Since then, I’ve been detoxing and eating uber clean to make up for the holiday eating marathon haha.
My recap for May’s happening moments is a short but sweet one since I ended up sharing a few updates for May in my April recap. Overall, the focus of May was for me to regroup, re-energize, get organized and get back on the fitness train. I also spent alot of time brainstorming ideas for le blog. I’m excited to get back to work on my self-portrait series and a few other creative projects. I’m also really excited for the summer season to finally be upon us. Can’t wait to get my tan on!
How’s life happening on your side of the online world?