In blogging terms, I’ve been a bit of a failure. But in real life terms, your girl has been getting her summer hustle on. With that said, here are a few of my favorite little happenings in photos from these past couple of weeks…
^^ Nature walks around our neighborhood in Northern VA.
^^ DC metro vibes as I commute to and from my internship.
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^^ Hanging with my girl, Katherine, and her adorable son, Zen, at a local lake beach where she lives.
^^ Sleeping in on a MONDAY vibes.
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^^ The last dinner with my brother, Kris, and my cousins before he left back for Chicago. He visited for a month and it was so great to spend time with him while he was here.
^^ Post summer rain shower blooms.
^^ Saturday morning boot camp with my friend/trainer, Byron (in the white short on the left). For his first time hosting a bootcamp, it was a great turnout and workout.
^^ Celebrating 3 years of marriage with drinks and oysters at Whaley’s in D.C. (more on that to come in a separate post)
For the past 3 weeks, I’ve been working 10-12 hours every day (juggling work and my internship) annnnnd so far, I’m still in one piece which is an accomplishment within itself.
On top of that, I’ve been pushing myself to work out 4 times a week. So pretty much, a typical day has looked like:
– Waking between 5:15-5:3030am
– Leaving for work or my internship by 6:00am
– Working all day until 6 or 6:30pm
– Coming home to change and then head back out for a 7:30pm yoga or circuit class
– Dinner after I workout around 9pm
– Shower
– In bed by 11pm
So yea… It seems life has only gotten busier after grad school. But it’s all good. I gotta do what I gotta do so no complaints. Also, we’re officially 2 weeks away from taking our annual family trip to Maine which will be a nice break from the grind.
Can’t wait!
How’s life been happening on your side of the online world?
More Little Happenings HERE.