Happy Second Day of April! Sharing a little recap of my favorite little happenings from March in photos and links. :)
Life Happening
One. From getting hit with snow on the first day of Spring (photos from my snow day here) to experiencing 70-degree weather the week after annnnnd now we’re apparently supposed to get snow again later this week… It seems like winter is not giving up without a fight.
[pipdig_left][/pipdig_left] [pipdig_right]
Two. My brother, Kris, is visiting from Chicago for a month and I’ve been showing him around D.C. and Northern Virginia on the weekends. What’s great about our sibling-ship is that we’re both into the same things, i.e. dance, photography, exploring local sights so it’s been alot of fun to go out and be able to just do the things I would normally do but with my bro in tow. No extra hosting effort required.
^^ From left to right: Pattavy, Angelica and my cousins, Rachel and Elizabeth
Three. Hotpot at my Aunt, Ea Hong’s, house. This was Charles’s first time taking part in this Asian dining experience (cooking meat and veggies in a yummy broth) and he gave it 2 thumbs up. Also, is it just me or is Charles’s smile super goofy looking in this pic? lol
^^ Me and Giney (she prefers to go by Giney, like “genie”, now instead of Gigi).
^^ Isn’t my nephew, Gino, the cutest? [/pipdig_right]
Four. More Family Time = Visiting with my Grams while she was in town for the week and going roller skating with Charles and Giney to celebrate my sis-in-law, Mijan’s birthday. This was my first roller skating since middle school so it took me a few laps around the rink to “find my legs” and be able to take my hands off the railing. Meanwhile, Charles was a smooth mama jamma in rink, skating circles around me per usual.
Five. I’ve entered the stage of life where everyone I know is either getting married or having babies… Including one of my best friends since high school, Durell and his wife, Hannah, who had the most prettiest shower for their baby girl, Harlow. Soooo excited for these two to be real live parents soon!!!
Six. Attempting to record a dance rehearsal with my girl, Riquel, and failing hilariously as Giney (who tagged along) decided to jump in and do her own thing.
Arts Happening
Music. Beyonce’s proteges, Chloe x Halle, just released their debut album and so far “Galaxy” has been on constant repeat.
Dance. This piece of choreography by Sorah Yang set to Sabrina Claudio’s “Unravel Me” is giving me all the feels.
Art. An interesting op-ed on the connection between Black Panther and the current state of “high art” museums and how they engage with their audiences or their lack of.
Videography. Charles and I just finished watching season 1 of Flint Town, a Netflix docu-series that covers a two year period where filmmakers were embedded with local police officers as the city struggles with their water crisis and high poverty rate. Two words: So real.
Blog Happening
One. I got a new teapot with diffuser, visited Barack and Michelle Obama’s portraits at the National Portrait Gallery and shared this tofu lettuce wrap with peanut sauce recipe was a hit with my cousin, Elizabeth, and Grams.
Two. Excited to begin recapping our trip to Miami starting with a few postcards from my iPhone.
Three. Sharing the love for a few posts I enjoyed reading this past month:
– Things I Won’t Miss About Pregnancy by Angela at The Awkward Blog – an honest sharing of things Angela won’t miss about pregnancy that included a few things I had never heard of before… Lightning crotch, anyone?
– Apartment Therapy: Living Spaces by Sheriden at Sheriden Chanel – a life update from Sheriden as she reflected on her inspiration to live life fully after experiencing loss. This line “When you have the courage to start, that’s when you realize how much the things you really want in life want you back” resonated with me so hard.
– Think Before You Ask by Michael at Frankly, My Dear – as a fellow mixed lady, I’ve dealt with the “what are you” question time and time again and can totally relate to Michael’s frustration, especially when complete strangers decide to start a conversation with this question. Like, no.
– Life In A Tiny Apartment: Survival Tip #162 by Erin at Reading My Tea Leaves – where most people inquire about where to put things in a tiny apartment, Erin talks about how she deals with where to put people in her tiny apartment.
– Snowy Morning & Thoughts on Blogging by Tania at Joy Felicity Jane – a reflection on the “early days of blogging” that sums up how I currently feel about the current manifestion of the blogging world.
And that pretty much sums up March for me.
As for what I’m looking forward to in April… Well, I turn 31 in two weeks and then will be traveling at the end of the month to celebrate my girl, Anna‘s 30th birthday! Every single weekend in April is booked solid and so my main goal is to simply stay hydrated, get enough sleep each night and workout consistently for at least 30 minutes, 3-4 times a week. Wish me luck!
What were some of your favorite little happenings from March? What are you looking forward to in April?
xo, Setarra
P.S. More Little Happenings HERE