A few of my favorite little happenings from the past month in photos and links. :)
^^ One. Charles sent me flowers on February 13th because he doesn’t like Valentine’s Day so this was his way of protesting/compromising in the romance department. Valentine’s Day itself was spent with dance and le hubby. This was Charles’s first time ever taking a dance class and he blew me away with his pick-up* skills. It’s so amazing how after being together for 10 going on 11 years, I’m still learning new things about him every day.
*pick-up is a dance term that refers to how well/fast you’re able to learn or pick up choreography.
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^^ Two. Top Left & Bottom Photos: We liked the movie so much that we watched it again last weekend with our friends, Thomas and Rachel. It was just as good the second time around. Top Left Photo: A screenshot of Charles’s reaction after watching Black Panther the first go round for our monthly date.
^^ Three. Received my Masters Degree in the mail! 3 1/2 years of going to grad school at night for this piece of paper. Was it worth it? We shall see…
^^ Four. Started using organic/cotton based feminine products because I figured if I’m trying to be healthy with what I put in my body through my mouth, I should also be mindful about what I put in my body through my wawa. <– That’s what she said.
^^ Five. Put up the picture frames up on our living room wall. No actual photos in them yet but it’s a huge start on the home project considering I ordered the frames last October and it took me 5 months to finally get them up.
Music. This reggae album by Hollie Cole has been on constant replay. I feel like most of the reggae I’ve heard on the radio has been infused with R&B and Pop music. As such, I’m really digging her rooted interpretation of this style of music. The super chill and sensual vibes of her voice and band make me dream of being at the beach with a rum and ginger ale in hand.
Dance. This bit of choreography made me want to start wacking and voguing along while watching it on the metro during a commute from to work one morning.
Art. New Fave Female Visual Artist Alert = Michelle Robinson. I’ve been following her Instagram account since last summer and am really digging her work. She releases prints of her original paintings every once in a while and I’m determined to display one on our wall at home. Just waiting for the right print to be released.
Literature. Just finished reading Shadowshaper by Daniel José Older. Technically classified as “young adult”, I found this novel to be a super enjoyable and easy read. (If you’re a fast reader like me, you could finish it in 2 hours.) Set in modern-day Brooklyn, the novel follows a young girl of afro-latino descent who discovers she has inherited a superpower that’s linked to street art. A coming of age story inspired by Caribbean folklore that has an urban paranormal feel… And that’s all I’m going to say. Definitely worth the read.
One. Finished recapping Charles, Tarek and my 48-hour adventure in Jordan (that happened almost a year from today) this month.
Two. Brought back two blog categories that had been in hibernation for a while: Self Portrait Sunday and Food/Recipes. Right now, I’m gonna publish a post for each series once a month and slowly work my way up to twice a month as I continue to refine my blog workflow. Slow and steady.
Three. Sharing the love on posts I enjoyed reading this past month:
– Love Themed Inner Reflections by Disa at The Active Spirit – a candid sharing of real conversations between Disa and her husband. I laughed while reading because Charles and I had actually had a few of the same conversations.
– Last Minute Dinner Party Tips by Supal at Chevrons & Eclairs – especially enjoyed reading about how Supal’s mom prepares to have people over for dinner in the “be present” part of her post. It’s an approach I plan to adopt next time I host a get-together.
– The Beginner’s Guide To Tea Leaf Reading by Kal at Kulture Kween – I appreciated how Kal shared the steps for doing your own tea leaf reading with photos to make it easy to follow along. The tea lover in me was nerding out as I read her post.
– Sunday’s Braids by Latonya at LaTonya Yvette – her post made me feel nostalgic about being a kid and getting my hair french braided by my mom, with her on the couch and me sitting on the floor between her legs.
– 10 Vegan Kitchen Essentials by Amanda at Rhymes & Ribbons – a super helpful breakdown of the vegan essentials Amanda keeps stocked in her kitchen. While I’m not vegan (I’ma pescetarian), her post made me realize that making the transition wouldn’t be as hard as I thought it would if I tried.
What were some of your favorite little happenings from February?
xo, Setarra
P.S. More Little Happenings HERE