A few of my favorite little happenings from the past couple of weeks in photos…
^^ Meeting up with my friend, Brandon, for brunch in D.C. and strolling through the alleys around U St. for some art watching fun.
^^ While supporting Charles at a MLK, Jr. charity basketball he was playing at, I noticed a person reading a book in the bleacher in front of me and snapped a pic of the book when he set it down. I googled it later and learned the book was about two Israeli psychologists who pretty much invented the field of behavioral economics. The book explores their Nobel Prize-winning work that essentially altered our perception of reality and the friendship of these two people.
I share all this to simply reveal that I’m that creeper that takes photos of other people’s books while out and about. I just find it intriguing to see strangers are reading. Some books I’ve ended up reading and some, I haven’t.
This one… I’m going back and forth on. It seems like a very in-depth exposè on a subject I have no prior knowledge of so I worry that it will be a little above my brain capacity. But then I read a preview of Chapter 1 on Amazon, which is titled “Man Boobs” (dead serious), and was pulled in by the author’s very accessible way of writing… If my library has it, I may give it a try.
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^^ We found ourselves under budget one week which meant extra cash to play with and treated ourselves to “fancy” ramen at a new spot we discovered in Northern VA.
The vibes were sooooo on point but the ramen… It was MEH. The broth was good but the texture of the ramen itself was kind of tough and chewy. It was disappointing. I had thought to do a dedicated food review of this place. Butttttt I only like to blog about restaurants I one hundred percent like because even giving a bad review is still a form of publicity.
So yea, no dedicated post and I won’t share the name of the place but the photos came out cool which is why I’m sharing them here.
^^ My butternut squash had a face and it kind of freaked me out. My hyperactive imagination was all over the place… Liiiike is the spirit of the squash trying to tell me something? Should I still roast it or set it free?
I probably wouldn’t have had an issue with it if the face was smiling. But, to me, it looked like the face was saying “help me”.
In case you’re wondering, I still roasted it but felt slightly guilty about it for a little while afterwards.
^^ I hosted my first supper club two weekends ago. A ladies only supper club which meant I had to kick Charles out for a few hours but it was well worth it. While not all of my girlfriends were able to make it, we had a good turnout for the first go round. A potluck, I asked everyone to bring their favorite comfort food to share. It was so great to have some super chill girl time. Depending on everyone’s schedule, we agreed to make it a monthly/bi-monthly occurrence moving forward. I’m looking forward to the next one. :)
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^^ My mom finally got a facebook account and went on a binge with posting baby pics of me and my brother that I had never seen before. I thought I’d share a few of my faves.
As you can see, I was a little Asian baby with straight hair… It wasn’t until I hit puberty that my hair became curly and my body and facial features started changing. Or as my mom likes to say about me going through puberty, “It’s when the black came out.” (LOL) Hashtag mixed kid problems.
Annnnnd that’s all I’ve got for today.
What were some of your favorite recent little happenings?
xo, Setarra
P.S. In case you missed it, I shared my go-to meatless recipe for spaghetti sauce made from scratch and finally started recapping my trip to Jordan.
P.P.S. More little happenings HERE.