I thought I’d take a break from sharing posts of things I’ve done these past couple of weeks and give you an update on what has been going on in real time because this week marks my last full week as a New York resident!!!
Time has flown by soooo fast this past month … I didn’t realize how much work would be involved with moving … Finding a place to live down in Virginia, Traveling back and forth from NYC to DC for a job interview, Looking for someone to rent my current bedroom, and Trying to stay within budget while still making time to enjoy my last couple of days in NYC. I’ve been all over the place … Emotionally and physically (helloooo emotional eating lol). But slowly and quite surely, everything is coming together. Charles is coming up this Friday with his truck, we’ll spend this weekend enjoying each other’s company in NYC and Monday. I’m driving down to VA and that’s that! Ahhh!
Soooo what’s been going on in Setarra’s world? Well…

Lately: I’ve been doing alot of packing and am proud to say I’ve gotten rid of 3 trashbags of clothes I haven’t worn in a while. I also broke down my bed and sold my dressers. I’m supposed to have everything ready to load in the truck when Charles arrives (according to Charles) but we’ll see … Also, I didn’t realize how much un-opened mail I had accumulated these past two years! Going through mail, a.k.a. credit card offers, has been a major pain.

Lately: I’ve been trying to get my fill of as many NYC sunsets as possible. Seriously tho, I don’t know if I will ever find an apartment that offers such a spectacular view as where I’ve been living these past couple of years.
Lately: I’ve gone over to the dark side and became an official Selenator… Selena Gomez’s new album is surprisingly awesome! I feel like I could dance and workout to every single song on her album :)

From Left to Right: Michael, Hannah, Kelly {Photos by Kelly and I}
Lately: I’ve stopped trying to check out various places in NYC and have been focusing on people aspect of saying goodbye, spending more time with my roommates & friends… And this past weekend, I hosted an NYC blate with Hannah, Michael, and Kelly. I had already met Michael at a previous blate so it was great to catch up with her and it was awesome to finally meet Kelly and Hannah in real life. Hannah and I have been virtual friends for the longest and meeting her in person only solidified the reasons for why we clicked online in the first place! We met up at Diablo Royale for some Mexican breakfast yum yums and their $26 unlimited drink brunch special. Which was followed by an afternoon of meandering through Union Square for shopping, chocolates and conversation on a park bench. Needless to say, the day flowed along just perfectly! Who would’ve thunk blogging could lead to actual friendships in real life?

And Lastly: I’ve been feeling ready to finally let go … I don’t know how to quite put it into words but this past month I’ve been doing alot of internal fighting. I’m so excited about this transition to Virginia and getting ready for grad school but at the same time, I’ve been a lil sad about moving away from NYC. This city has sneaked its way into my heart and somehow established itself as a place I’ve now come to consider ‘home’ … But I feel like I’ve finally come to a place emotionally where everything feels balanced. It’s comforting to know that I can always hop on a 4 hour bus from VA to NYC whenever my schedule allows.
With that said, I have no idea what the future holds… But I feel like if I can make it in New York, then I can make it anywhere :)
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