So remember my girl, Lmya? Well her birthday happens to take place 2 days after mine and in honor of her b-day, she hosted a picnic at a park in Northern Virginia that I had never heard of before… Lake Accotink Park. Lake Accotink caught Charles and I completely off guard. We were just expecting a simple lake with picnic grounds… But when we rolled up in our truck to park in the lot directly facing the dam and falls and then took in the surrounding landscape (and carousel), we both exclaimed, “Whoa! How come we’ve never heard of this park before?!”

^^^ Grubbin

^^^ Birthday Girl :)

^^^ Can’t wait for all the green leaves to finally grow in…

^^^Bayne, Kane & Diva & Their Human Counterparts… Arf Arf!

People, Food & Dogs… There were soooooo many cute dogs out at this park last Saturday!!! While picnicking a.k.a. stuffing our faces, I swear at least 10 dogs walked past our grill area. One hamburger, 4 slabs of ribs & a plate full of smart popcorn later, some of us (myself especially) were ready to walk off the tightness in our bellies… And walk we did, much to Kane, Bayne & miss little Diva’s delight. These three adorable dogs were practically walking us along the 4 mile trail, making sure to sniff each other’s butts every couple of minutes haha.
Charles and I are planning to come back and run around the trail. 4 miles… I haven’t gone running like that in such a long time… Like since I had my knee surgery. But I think it’s time to conquer one of my last lingering fears post-recovery. Whoooo, 4 miles… I need to work up to running at least ONE mile first.. Running… Did I mention I strongly dislike running? Why do I let Charles talk me into doing these kinds of things? Oh yes, it’s because I’m a supportive partner and because he promised to take me out to dinner afterwards… Food. Once again, food serves as my sole motivator to workout lol.
Insert the end of my random tangent here. <<– The song I was listening to as I typed this post. The music video is horribly hilarious ;)P.S. Don’t forget to stop by the blog this Friday, April 25th at 9:00am EST for another monthly round of the #ResidentTourist Link Up! This link up provides an opportunity for bloggers share their local adventures; emphasis on local :) More info about the link up here.
Happy Tuesday, Almost Wednesday, 3 Days Till Friday!
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