I spent most of Wednesday excited but anxious… I just knew something bad was going to happen. It was an hour by hour tip-toe throughout the inauguration day wondering when the shoe would drop.
But it didn’t. Nothing bad happened (at least, that I’m aware of). And I’m still processing the fact that we experienced a full day of celebration that was uplifting in so many ways… Like wow. That really happened ya’ll.
And a Double WOW for Amanda Gorman. I’ve already ordered her print edition of ‘The Hill We Climb.” – hardcover because, even though I have a kindle, this falls under ‘special’ and deserving of paper page turns.
Future wise, I’m feeling hopeful but not naive. If these past four years have taught me anything, it would be the understanding that whether positive or negative, anything is possible but nothing is promised.
There was an immediate weight that lifted off my shoulders watching ‘he who shall not be named’ get on the copter and leave, once and for all. But I’m also aware that it won’t be all rainbows and sunshine as the new president and MADAME vice president work towards rebuilding this country.
All the “unity and healing” being thrown around resonates as a form of evasion for me… “Accountability, consequences, and reform” first and then we can get to the unity and healing.
Only time will tell how this new administration acts on behalf of the people who voted them into their roles. But in the meantime, I’ll be watching and clocking. Tired but vigilant. Hopeful but not naive.
Oh, what a time to be an American.
xo, Setarra
P.S. Couldn’t resist jumping on the Bernie meme train. It’s the meme that just keeps meme-ing. Original photo via this self portrait sunday post.