Hey Everyone! Remember Me? It’s been a super busy couple of weeks! The time was spent hanging out with friends, volunteering as event staff for a few dance galas, traveling to Virginia Beach for a wedding, crossing items off my summer list of things to do in NYC, working from 8am-6pm and simply chillaxing away from the laptop. I feel uber refreshed from this lil blogging break. Not quite sure where to begin as soooo much has happened but I hope you’ll stick around as I begin the process of sharing these captured moments … Plus, I have some BIG NEWS to announce later on this month soooo you have to stick around in order to find out what it is :)
Recently, I’ve become somewhat of a panoramic fanatic (blame it on Rima for influencing me with her panorama posts) and so I thought I would share all the photos I took these past few weeks running around NYC and beyond. Because life looks much better in panorama. And if you think this post is full of pictures … Just wait. I’ve got a whole rack of posts coming up filled with pics. My poor lil iPhone has been working it’s ass off lately haha. I didn’t realize how much I loved to take pictures until I started blogging. As I like to tell my friends whenever we get together … “I’m such a picture whore.”

P.S. I finally bought a domain name butttt it’s a completely different name than what the blog is called now … I’ve been doing alot of thinking lately about the blog … With growth, inevitably comes change and that applies to the blog as well. I’ve finally found a name that I feel is forever … Sooon my dear friends … The Burghal Gurl will be no more. Like very soon … And the icing on the cake is that I was able to snatch up Erin from Two Thirds Hazel to be the designer of my new layout! She finally made the leap into the blog design world and I couldn’t be more excited to work with her! Plus, she’s a fellow NYC blogger so you know I gotta support the local business. Can’t wait for all these wonderful changes to happen!
Feels good to be back in the blogosphere :)
xo, Setarra
Linking Up With:
Monday Morning Gossip, Anything + Everything,