Dear Blazer from H&M: You were looking pretty snazzy on my best friend, Durell, the other night. You MADE his outfit! Werrrrrrrrk! (Snaps fingers in the air)

Dear Soco: I loved the vibe of your restaurant. So old town & chill & chic & street all at the same time. Great costumer service and super yummy. Southern food at it’s finest.
Dear Brooklyn: I live in the Bronx area but find myself exploring Brooklyn alll the time. Like this time, and this time … Oh yea, annnnd this time. I’ve only actually explored the area in the Bronx once … and that was to see flowers. If I ever move to another place around NYC again, I totally see myself moving to Brooklyn…

Dear Durell: I can’t believe we’ve been friends for soooooo long! Who would’ve thunk that two kids who danced in “rival” arts high schools in DC would end up at the same college? Then dance together in college for 4 years and become butt buddies. Then move up to New York (at different times) and continue our support for each other’s endeavors. I’m so proud to call you my friend and am so happy you have the patience to deal with my craziness. Besides … you’re the only person who can get away with calling me “Seterrorist Attack or a Seterodactyl.” We’ve grown up so much and throughout these past 8 years, there’s never been a doubt in my mind that you’ll always be there for me when it matters most. I’m really glad I was able to make it out for your birthday this past weekend! Sooo much fun!
Time will fly but throughout the chaos, we will always be “Durellish & Setartar Sauce”. Love You Boo! #juicycouture
xo, Setarra
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