One of my favorite fashion blogs to follow is Brooklyn Blonde. So when I saw that Helena had gone to 5 Pointz as the setting for one of her outfit posts … The first thing I thought was “I HAVE TO GO THERE!” Not just because I’m a copycat (because let’s face it, I’m totally biting her “environmental” style) but mainly because I am a HUGE fan of graffiti.

For those who may not know, Graffiti is one of the 4 main elements of Hip-Hop. And now you may ask “Elements of Hip-Hop?” They are:
1) B-Boy 2) Graffiti 3) DJ-ing 4) MC-ing
When you put these elements together, they form the basis on which Hip-Hop culture formed in the 70’s. I could go on much further about this topic but I digress … Let’s get back to 5pointz and my attempt at an outfit post.
I typically live in my sweats or workout clothes. But when Charles comes to visit from VA, I like to turn it up. You know, put a lil makeup on and put some effort into my outfit. I dress based on how I feel and most of the time, my style has an urban vibe. I like to dress for comfort and I’m a big fan of menswear. There are some moments when I like to get all girly and dress uber feminine but most of the time … I’m a jeans and t-shirt type of gal.

Despite my somewhat shoe-bashing post earlier this year about my visit to Flight Club, I’d like to clear up the airwaves and say, “I love shoes.” I just think it’s ridiculous to spend $300-$1,000 on a pair. Why? Because I honestly can’t afford to spend that much money on shoes right now. The most I’ve ever spent on a pair of shoes/heels/dunks is $100 and even then, I had to think long and hard before I made my purchase. The nicest shoes I own were given to me as gifts for my birthday or during the holidays. (Charles got me the silver Creative Recreation sneaks I’m wearing in this post.) Buuuuuuut … If I had the money? … I’d probably splurge every now and then on a pair which would then make me a hypocrite because I had originally said “It’s ridiculous to spend $300-$1,000 on a pair” … But money is as money does.

Located in Long Island City, off the Court House stop on the 7 line, 5 Pointz is pretty hard to miss… It’s literally right across the street from the subway stop. Luckily, Charles likes to indulge me when I plan these excursions on the weekends that he visits. When Charles and I arrived to our destination, we were in awe at what we saw. There we were snapping away on our iPhones… It totally makes sense why this exhibit is known as the “graffiti mecca of the world.” I’ve only posted 19 of the close to 100 pics we took which is just as well…. Now you will have to make sure you stop by 5 Pointz and see the rest of this outdoor art exhibit for yourself if you are ever in New York :)

Dear Random Man Who Saw Me & Charles Struggling to Take Self Pic: Come to find out he was a professional photographer and volunteered to snap our “couple” pics. I think they came out great! Thanks for taking our pics Mr. Mystery Man! {All other pics were taken by me or Charles on our iPhone 4S/5}
Dear Helena: Thanks for putting me on to 5 Pointz. I had no idea it even existed until your post.
And To Anyone Who May Read This Post … I technically have one (1) picture of my outfit so does this even count as an outfit post??? Ain’t nobody got time for that haha
Hosting a giveaway over at Michelle’s blog this week … Soooo make sure to stop by her blog and enter for the chance to win some goodies! And a big “Heyo!” to all those stopping by from Mish Lovin Life :)
xo, Setarra