Hey Guys! Hope you don’t mind if I go back to my ‘blog roots’ for today’s post. When I started blogging, I only had my iPhone and didn’t put as much pressure on myself to post photos that were good quality according to ‘blog standards.’ Nowadays, I have my DSLR and focus more on developing the content I share here on Quaintrelle but today… Today I thought I’d do a little b-day recap using the pics I took on my phone (and my friends’ phones) because I didn’t bring my Canon along for the celebration. I was more focused on living in the moment; not making sure my pictures looked nice haha. So without much ado, I present to you: The (Unedited) B-Day Recap..

Friday was like any other Friday in the sense that I went to work and didn’t tell anyone it was my birthday. But then Charles had to ruin my ‘incognito status’ by surprising me at the office with cake and flowers. So then all my co-workers were mad at me (in a joking manner) because I didn’t tell them it was my birthday. Thanks Charles. But I think the best part about Charles’s surprise was that my name was spelled wrong on the cake! Oh, I wish you could’ve seen Charles’s face when I called him out on it haha. He swore up and down that he wrote my name down a sheet of paper and that he even made the cake lady at Safeway rewrite my name down to make sure it was spelled correctly. But alas, his efforts were for naught because miss cake lady didn’t follow through. It’s all good though. I’ve come to terms with the fact that I just have one of those names that will always be miss-spelled or pronounced forever and ever. But it was fun to tease Charles about it… He’s so cute when he gets all flustered.
Throughout the day, I received so many wonderful messages via text, email and Facebook from friends & family wishing me a happy birthday! But I think my best friend, Durell, took the cake by sending me his rendition of the happy birthday song! Not only can the man out dance and leap other dancers but this man can sannnnnnng! He sings for the Brooklyn Tabernacle so if you’re in NYC, I recommend attending a Sunday service just to hear the choir sing. Love you boo :)
After work, Charles and I headed home, got dressed and made our way out into D.C. We got stuck in traffic along the way but the radio station helped us get through it. An hour and a half later, we finally made it to Stadium Nightclub. I don’t have many photos from our time here which is only right since I’m sure you guys aren’t really interested in looking at photos of naked skrippas ;)

After making it rain, we decided to go find a karaoke place and test out our tipsy vocals. Somewhere along the way, Charles and I had a mini photo shoot? (Thanks for sending me these pics Thomas!) We eventually found ourselves at Sobe Seafood in Clarendon and had a ball singing our asses off. I don’t know about you but karaoke is always a good time. I can’t really sing but with the help of liquid courage, anything is possible haha. Insert my grammy award performance of “Lovefool” by The Cardigans below.

^^ I was channeling Selena Gomez, hence on the weird hand gestures.


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