April was a bit of blurry rollercoaster… It’s a month I’m still processing and, as a result, today’s monthly recap of little happenings will be brief – minus the “arts happening” section.
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One. I celebrated my 31st birthday by taking the day off from work, doing laundry, getting my apartment cleaned professionally for the first time ever, Mexican for lunch with a margarita swirl on the side, and making 100 eggrolls with my family for my birthday picnic that I was hosting the following weekend.
Two. The Friday after my birthday, Charles woke up to get ready for work, took a few steps and blacked out/collapsed. When I rushed out of bed to his side and asked,”what happened?” he couldn’t recall falling or tripping over anything. At at the time, I didn’t have my glasses on so it wasn’t until I put them on that I saw his mouth was bleeding – he had fallen on his face and his front teeth had gone through his top lip.
What followed was me taking him to ER to make sure he didn’t have a concussion and an exhausting 30+ hours spent in the hospital while the doctors ran a slew of tests on Charles and placed a device on his chest to monitor his heart for the next couple of weeks. So far everything from the tests have come back good which is great but also really frustrating because, 2 weeks after the fact, we still don’t know what caused him to blackout…
Three. I was this close to canceling my bday picnic but Charles made me keep it as scheduled since the doctors said he should be released by the time it started… So I did. Annnnnd while nothing went as planned…
(1. The picnic started late 2. The outlet we plugged the deep fryer into wouldn’t work so we couldn’t eat the eggrolls and 3. Charles wasn’t released from the hospital until a few hours after the picnic had started.)
It was still such a restorative experience to be surrounded by family and friends and their love/support after what we had gone through.
Photo above is the only pic I took at the picnic – My niece, nephews and sister had heard the music of an ice cream truck in the distance and demanded that we, Adults, get them ice cream. So we did lol. A much needed carefree moment to offset a crazy couple of days.
Four. The sweetest birthday card from my sister, Giney, that made me teary eyed after I read it and also made me reminisce about our time watching the sunset from the dock at our family’s cabin in Maine.
^^ L to R: Caroline, Anna and Me
Five. I traveled to Denver to celebrate my girl, Anna‘s 30th birthday. This was the first time in a long that I went on a trip and wasn’t focused on taking photos every single moment. I came home yesterday with about 75 photos on my phone as opposed to the usual 300+ photos I typically have after a 4-day trip which is pretty amazing.
Blog Happening
One. April was a blogging fail and I’m gonna own it without apology.
My number rule when it comes to blogging is to “Live First, Blog Later” and well… This past month demanded I be present throughout all emotional aspects of life’s happenings. I don’t know how other bloggers push through it but, when I’m in a funk, it’s really hard for me to blog even when I have pre-scheduled posts ready to be published.
Two. I’ve got 3 more posts to share from Miami, then I’ll recap Denver and, after that, Maine. A recipe and self-portrait post are sitting in my draft box (they were supposed to go out in April) and I just finished the gallery wall in our living room so I may squeeze in a post for that too.
Overall, April reminded me to not take anything or anyone for granted and to intentionally breathe through the tough moments.
Charles and I have been together for over 10 years now and this was the first time we’ve ever experienced a serious health scare like this. I’m super thankful nothing worse happened and have been doing my best not to hover/annoy/check in on Charles all the time. Leaving him to go to Denver was tough but ultimately, I think it was just the break I needed to recenter and get over my paranoia of losing him.
Also, kind of random but related, ever since Charles’s health scare, my ovaries have been yelling at me to make a baby with him which goes against our “2020 family plan”. I legit have to (in my head) tell my ovaries to calm the phuck down everytime they see a baby and get excited. Crazy how emotions manifest physically. Also, crazy how the mind can overcome physical urges.
With that said… Back to regular posts next week.
How’s life been happening on your side of the online world?
xo, Setarra