{First Stamp Ever In My Passport :)}
Insert Sad Face Here :(
Regardless of the close to 900 photos I took this week… No words can express how Ah- Mazing this trip was… I feel really blessed… I feel really humbled. I feel rejuvenated in my love for Charles (Bring It On Year 6) … Not quite sure where to begin with all the sharing of my various excursions/ experiences in Barbados. The people, the food, the music, the culture, the poverty and wealth that go hand in hand… The Land. My first trip abroad was a great learning experience.
On my plane ride back to the states, I was jotting down notes… And came to the conclusion that my trip will prolly have to be broken down into 9 different posts that will probably span over these next 2-3 couple months. That’s alot of blogging I’m not quite sure I want to do right now. {I all of a sudden feel kinda blog lazy lol}. Sooo I’m gonna let it cook for a while before you all get bombarded with a gazillion posts about Barbados.
I’m back at work today … You know, because I’m “totally” back in the work mindset… It’s like a cold splash of water when you spend a week on a relaxing island where time is of no concern And then come back home to hustle of NYC … Wish me luck for getting through this week … I have alot of catching/keeping up to do. Plus a fridge full of NO food, dirty laundry, and a gazillion emails to respond to… Until then, here are pics I posted on Instagram from my trip!

{First Evening on the Island}

{Accra Beach}

{My Teddy Bear Be Beach Bummin}

{Booty Tan}

{Mount Gay Rum Lecture … Eduvacation}

{Body Soft … Beach Hard}

{The Sunset in Mullins Bay}

{Checking out the Atlantic side of the island}

{Sunset at Gibbs Bay}

{Perfect Quote To Sum Up My Trip that Started off the New Year}

{My fave pic of me and Charles from last week … At St. Martin’s Bay for their Fish Fry … I ate SHARK!!!}
P.S. I managed to talk Charles into agreeing to write a post for the bloggity!!! Can’t wait to see what he puts together :) He’s still in Barbados for one more week, finishin up his study abroad trip and workin on his thesis. Or as he’s been calling it … His EduVacation. {I was pretty much mooching off his trip haha} Can’t wait for him to get back this Friday!
Happy Monday!!!
At least TRY to be happy ;)
xo, Setarra
{Linking Up with Yolo Mondays}