Cotton candy, fluffy clouds always make for the best kinds of sunrises…

Despite living 15 minutes outside of D.C., it’s been a looooooong while since we’ve trekked into the city proper. So much has obviously (and not so obviously) happened in the past year that’s confined me and Charles to the Northern Virginia area, making us feel worlds away.
But the lure of cherry blossoms was enough to pull us out of our fully embraced hermit lifestyle and back into the ‘scene’ of things. A 5:30am wake up call (with a couple snoozes in between) had us arriving at the Tidal Basin around 6:30am. We figured a sunrise walk around the blossoms would mean not alot of people around but… We weren’t the only ones with the same early bird mindset. All good though because, despite the amount of people present when we arrived, it was still no where near the crowds Charles and I experienced when we went to see the blossoms on a Friday at 5:30PM a couple years ago.
That said, below are some favorites that I snapped (portraits of me taken by Charles) from our morning walk around the Tidal Basin. A leisurely 2 mile loop around the Basin (i.e. body of water) with direct views of the Washington Monument, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, FDR Memorial and Jefferson Memorial.

A Spring List For Life As Of Lately
feeling :: Like I lost my creative mojo at some point in the last two months but that the juice is finding it’s way back into a slow flow of sorts.
practicing :: Making our bed every morning… Not sure why something so simple is so hard to establish as a habit.
cooking :: A new beefless and broccoli recipe this week that replaces the beef with shiitake mushrooms. Crossing my fingers it comes out yummy!
mastering :: Barre. Been doing HIIT workouts lifting 20lb kettlebells for 9 months and decided to switch to Barre in January because I felt like I was bulking up and wanted to lean out. And Mannnnn… I’m finding that working the little muscles in my body with 5lb weights is sooooo much harder. The barre burn really burrrrrrns.
drinking :: A gallon of water a day with swigs of ginger beer on the side.
lusting :: After these dainty studs and this robe. They’re currently sitting in their respective carts waiting for me to give into my urge to splurge.
learning :: Sitting still meditation. Movement has always been my self-prescribed form of meditation to sweat the stress out. Being still in my body and thoughts is different. A struggle at times… I’m making a point to do it at least 5 minutes a day with the goal of working my way up to 20 minutes by the end of this year.
listening :: to a mix Giveon, Sarah Kinsley, Bikoko, Joyce Wrice and LoFi/Afrobeats focus music on most work days.
contemplating :: A career change. While the weekends remind me that I have a great life; Monday through Friday 9-5 work has me working 10am-10pm on many days and I’m tired. I’ve been in higher-ed for the eight years now and, this time last year, I thought I was a ‘lifer’ and was seriously considering getting my PhD to pursue full tenured professor-hood. But now, after everything that has come to light in the past year, I’ve found myself questioning whether the higher-ed track is for me. Your girl is burned out but functioning through the stress because work pays the bills… But it’s not a sustainable lifestyle and something’s got to give so I’m exploring options.
reading :: Time Off: A Practical Guide to Building Your Rest Ethic and Finding Success Without the Stress – one of the last paperback books I ordered pre-Kindle that I finally picked up a couple days ago. Felt appropriate given everything I’m dealing with at work so here’s hoping for some enlightenment.
loving :: Dark chocolate dipped pretzel rods… my go-to salty sweet snack these days.
working :: On our diy kitchen renovation. So far, wallpaper is down and next up is bringing in an electrician to see what the possibilities are for recess lighting.
finishing :: Editing my Alaska photos. A trip we took two years ago that I will start recapping over these next couple of months.
wearing :: No underwear while sleeping. I randomly came across an article about the benefits of going commando in bed annnnd it resonated. Sooo yea. So far, no complaints.
wishing :: I was less conscientious about traveling during COVID. But I’m not. No where near comfortable with the idea of getting on a plane but Charles and I have been discussing roadtrips… TBD.
realizing :: That I will be turning 34 in a couple days (Charles reminded me yesterday) and officially entering my mid-thirties. Time has a blurry way of moving so slow and yet so fast at the same time. So much life has happened in the past year so I’m feeling pretty reflective these days… No plans on my end to formally celebrate my birthday. I just want to relax, eat luxurious food and be in a calm, peaceful mindspace. That’s it. That’s the vision board.
How’s life happening on your side of the world?
xo, Setarra