Whoooo! It’s been a lonnnnnnng minute since I’ve done a life lately post… Like since this past February! So much has happened and there’s no way I can recap it all in one post so I’ll try to hit the main events that have taken place so far.

1. I colored my hair for my birthday. I went to a salon to get the color done so they could help break through my natural hair color WITHOUT bleach and it turned out perfectly. I had to sit in the salon for almost 3 hours so the color could set and break through my virgin hair but the wait was totally worth it. The color is pretty subtle and only screams red when I’m out in the sun. I love it.

2. Speaking of my birthday, I’ve got a super late recap coming your way this Friday! I meant to share photos of my b-day weekend much earlier but somehow all the pics on my SD card wiped themselves out! Charles was a miracle worker and helped to recover the majority of my photos (many of which were from our euro-trip) on the SD card EXCEPT the photos from my b-day… Merp. But I’ve got awesome friends who sent me their pics from the day so it all worked out in the end. :)

3. Spring semester of grad school is ovvvvvvaaaaaaa!!! It’s actually been over for about 3 weeks and I couldn’t be more happier. My final grades = I got an A in the my finance class and a B- in my Arts & Society class. Normally, I would probably cry over getting a B- but I’m actually really happy because I worked my ass off to get that B-! Heck, if anything I’m proud of that B- because it means I passed my class and at the end of the day, passing my courses and getting my masters degree is all that matters. Doesn’t matter how it goes down, as long as it happens.

4. My girl, Malou from Skip to Malou, visited D.C. for a week with her boyfriend, Justin! In case you were wondering, Malou is the very first blogger I ever connected with when I started blogging a couple years ago. While doing research about our trip to Barbados, I found her blog and reached out for recommendations on what places to explore. One thing led to another and we ended up meeting in person when Charles and I were on there and ever since, we’ve maintained contact. I am so happy we were able meet up and hang out with Malou and Justin while they were here in D.C.!

5. In addition to our recent trip to Chicago to surprise my Mom for Mother’s Day, Charles and I have got 2 awesome trips planned for this summer. First up is a trip to Maine so I can introduce Charles to my family up there and get him acquainted with “country life” haha. Then we’re going on a Caribbean cruise in August! I’ve never been on a cruise before so this should be interesting. Got any tips on what to pack for a cruise? I’m alll ears.

6. Charles and I are less than 2 months away from celebrating our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of marriage and I am freaking out because it feels like we only just got married yesterday! Where has all the time gone?! O_O
Anywho, I’m thinking of doing a “wedding week” on the blog during the week of our anniversary in July to mark the occasion. I would share photos of our wedding day and some thoughts on eloping and married life so far… I’ve been fairly private about this special day and I’d like to finally share that experience with you on this blog a.k.a. my online journal. :)
And that’s all I’ve got for today. Wishing you a happy hump day!
Linking up w/ Random Wednesday.