I think it’s safe to say that the whole purpose for going camping is to unwind, unplug and “become one with nature.” As such, it always makes me cringe whenever I see listings for cabins or campgrounds that state they have “wi-fi access.” (O_O) Just no. Noooooo! It totally beats the point.
This is why I look forward to staying at my family’s cabin in Maine. There’s no T.V., cell phone reception or internet access. All we’ve got is one land line phone. We’re totally disconnected from modern technology and it’s great. Trust me when I say it is totally possible to survive and have a great time without the t.v., internet and social media.
However… I do realize that not everyone does as well with this kind of detached lifestyle soooo, based on what my family and I did while cabin camping in Maine, I’m providing a little list of:
5 Things To Do While Camping In A Cabin With No T.V., Cell Phone Reception or Internet
^^ In case you’re wondering, we used our laptop and phones to play music and that’s it :)

1) If your cabin has a fireplace, take advantage of this amenity, grab some wood and light it up.
In addition to emitting heat, the fireplace provides a perfect setting for enjoying beer, s’mores and conversation. I also find the sound of crackling wood to be quite soothing, great for taking a little cat nap.

2) Go grocery shopping beforehand and make sure to get enough food to cook for the duration of your camping trip.
The great thing about being “unplugged” is that you’ve got alot of free time to prepare your food in a leisurely fashion. If possible, try to get outside and cook your food on a grill.

3) Play games.
Board games, puzzles, card games (Uno & Cards Against Humanity are my fave!), mancala, charades or for the little ones – toys. The possibilities for having fun are endless.

4) If you’re close to a source of water (in our case – a pond), take or rent a boat out and go fishing.
Or at least, attempt to fish… We didn’t catch anything – even if we did, we would’ve thrown it back in. Side note: Make sure the boat’s battery for the propeller is charged before you go all the way out to the middle of the pond or you will be stuck having to row yourself back to the dock. #truestory

5) Watch the sunrise or sunset. Nothing beats watching the sky wake up or get ready for bed in high definition.
On one particular evening, I noticed my sister sitting outside from the dining room window while I was playing monopoly with Charles, my Uncle Mack and brother, Gabriel. Right then and there, I decided to go outside and join her much to everyone else’s dismay. The guys decided to continue playing the game without me which was totally fine. I got to share the enjoyment of a sunset with my sister and this was by far one of my most cherished moments from our trip.
What are some things you like to do when camping?
xo, Setarra