2022, I flowed.
2023, I savored.
And in 2024, I’m gonna ‘discipline’. Myself, that is.

If last year was all about savoring the transition of birthing my second son and settling into being a Mom of two boys under two… Then this year, (now that I finally feel like I have capacity) my intention is to transfer a bit of that energy back towards myself to create and maintain the routines that will allow me to feel like the best me. A me that exists independent of the ‘mom hat’ I’m constantly wearing .
The best me is a Setarra who is moving her body to the point of sweating a couple times a week.
The best me is a Setarra who eats a full meal for breakfast and not her toddler’s leftovers in the morning.
The best me is a Setarra who flosses her teeth and wears her retainer every night.
The best me is a Setarra who hugs and cuddles her husband everyday. Who also goes on a date with said husband at least once a month (goodness I can’t remember the last time we had a proper date).
The best me is a Setarra who reads leisurely in the morning, not late at night when she should be sleeping.
The best me is a Setarra who sets aside time every Sunday to arrange fresh flowers for the dining room table.
The best me is a Setarra who cleans and resets her home every night so she doesn’t have to deal with the mess when she wakes the next day.
The best me is a Setarra who drives in silence (if you know you know).
The best me is a Setarra who makes time to create. Something, anything, not matter how big or small. Just for the heck of creating.
The best me is a Setarra who doesn’t have anything to prove to anyone. She’s fully secure in her identity, perspective and voice.
The best me is a Setarra who is disciplined… Not only as a Mom, who maintains a daily routine for her kids to thrive as best they can. But also as a her own Woman, who maintains her daily/weekly/monthly routines for herself to thrive as best and creatively as she can.
When I’m tired and/or not feeling inspired, it’s the self-discipline that will keep me moving in the direction of a more balanced lifestyle that I know future Setarra will thank her for later.
Sooo yea, Discipline. That’s my word for 2024.
What’s yours?
xo, Setarra