Last year, my intention was to “be more open to flow *with* wherever the waves of life may take me in 2022.” And it was a struggle… My first full year as a Mom, transitioning back to work, getting back in touch with my my mind and body, only to find out I was pregnant sooner than anticipated and face the reality of having to go through the postpartum reassimilation process all over again.
2022 was a year of constant transition and, in hindsight, I don’t think I paused enough to truly appreciate all that I experienced and how much I’ve changed for the better as a result.
And so, these past 3 months of 2023 have been spent in deep reflection and I finally feel like I know how I want to spend the rest of this year – at least when it comes to my mindset.
Yes, the new year technically started in January (per Western tradition) but, this year, I’ve decided to follow Cambodian tradition of celebrating the new year in April per the solar calendar. Winter was made for rest and reflection and Springtime for planting seeds to grow and bloom throughout the year.
That said, this year, my main intention is to truly SAVOR the journey.
Where I dealt with a bunch of new mom anxiety last year, I intend to go into my 2nd full year of motherhood with more confidence, ease and joy.
To SAVOR the slower pace of life. To SAVOR the village support of my family and friends. To SAVOR my meals, instead of rushing through them to move on to the next to-do. To SAVOR my body and its constant evolution. To SAVOR rest, instead of feeling guilt about it. To SAVOR movement and creativity, when I have genuine capacity to invest that energy back into myself. To SAVOR life’s pace and timing because, hindsight 2020, I am exactly where I am supposed to be.
I’m in my ‘mom chapter’ of life and instead of resisting it, I want savor it… with all my senses.
Time is flying. Beau will be two in August. I’ll have 3 month baby attached at the hip when we celebrate his birthday… And I just want to be present in these moments as best I can as a mother, wife and woman.
So yea. Cheers to savoring all that 2023 has planned for me.
Until next post.
xo, Setarra